

annyeonghaseyo! koniciwa!^^

hye you all it's me serra yana... actually i'm just creat this blog..so still new..so i hope all of u can teach me about editing blog n so on... i'm a freindly person..^^ so click follower to know me more..hehe Photobucket
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Thursday, November 17, 2011

kem perdana


okeyh..sejak kbelakangn niyh yana feel realy lazy nk update blog ntah knapa..ahehehehe..xp hariniyh tetiber rajin nk update plak leps pnt training dancing shinee song..i olready can 1 n 2 step for juliete n 1step for lucifer ahehehehe.hebat x ??..so hard..peluh 1 badn but it's okeyh boleyh shatkn badan pepagi niyh...otak pon cergas..
okeyh berbalik pada tajuk pada 11,12,13 /11 kalu x silp betol ka tarikh yana ksi yg pasti hari khamis until saturday..ahehehe our school just held kem perdana..huahuahua..yana bocome setiausaha urus setia not setiausaha olways make mistake at that word..okeyh since i'm just urus setia not peserta..i only help teacher cook n pantau keadaan mereke(ahli peserta) hahahaha actually being setiausaha urus setia is more hard than peserta..there was alot of things we got to do..argh..=='' tired on the first day..okeyh first pendaftran..then at night ktaorng ada ice breaking..cikgu kasi ballon kena jaga ballon tuh elok2..urus setia also include k..okeyh cikgu kata ballon tuh ibrt dara kita kalu pech maksudnya kita x syng diri kita..(hebt ayt cikgu) sblum ckgu kata tuh ckgu surh tiup ballon yg cikgu kasi x kishla beso ka kecik janji x pcah..then ktaorng di bhagikan kpd kmplam follow the colour of our ballon..yana nya wana kuning..hehehe same with uhannes n sal..hehehe then ktaorng dikehendki berkmpul kat datrn then cikgu kasi arhan pcahkan ballon kawn.xp yana x buat just dok tepi tkut ballon yana di pecahkan..ahehehe habis sesi memcah semuer cokgu gtau moral value knpa ckgu surh buat mcm tuh..anywhere memng manyk moral values we get that night....we still relaxe..n sleep late at night at 3.00 a.m hahaha n i wake so late haha since i can't pray n just urus setia..ahahahah..what we do all teh night is eating while borak2 ahahaha it's so fun hangout with friend oll the night memnd daebak la><..ahehehe..then second day peserta got many aktiviti...some of it urus setia also included that make me weird...and at that night we sing a song n then tomorrow morning out tent(khemah) telh banjir because of the rain..ahahaha..mayb our voice to nice sngt kot that why rain turun sbb rahmat...ahaha..oh yeah on the second day we need to cook for peserta lunch..i need to memproses chicken..huhuhu hate it..habis one whole body smell chicken..ahhahahahuhuhuhauhua hate it ..on the last day peserta had pertandingan kawad...that teh last aktiviti we have..yeah..then acara penutup..kwd kaki competation win to PUTERI ISLAM caiyalah n also sketsa..hahaha we r gud on it ..n for all activities we also got the winner huauahua i'm pround to be in this groupniylah yg menyebbkan aq syng sngt dengn PUTERI ISLAM ..ahahahah..hope the next year we all win all the activitie that will held..hwaiting!!
okeyh after that we have sesi take pic hehehe then we can go home ^_^ that was so fun..PIC?? erm..lazy to upload now,...nati2 la ek..okeyh..anywhre along of the days was a

 (p.s:sorry kalu mnyk mistake ejaan..mls dah nk edit..taip in hurry like that lah..hahaha)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

pergi beraya


ahehe hari raya ke 3(raya korban) kawan2 yana datng umah..beraya..ahehe first time diorng mau dtng jauh2 naik moto nk datng rumah i...
okeyh diorng bertolak pukol 2.30 xp yana rasa it's to late yana surh doirng siap pukul 2..ahehehe last2 yana yg lambt..ahehehe
yana g tunjang nk shopping brng for cooked spagetti kat diorng...aedang leka memilih brng.. yana pnyer berbunyib1a4..u wanna target..u my beautifull target hahahaha yana pon angakat''yah!!wue kure??! ko kat aner niyh ktaorng dah sampai lama tunggu kow nk amek ktaorng..ktaorng x tau jaln tau dak..?!! cept lah weyh panas la..adoiyai''yana pon jwb''k2 i on da way niyh" hehehe lepas bayar semuer yana pon drive moto agak laju la..60 ja..ahahaha tempt tuh agak jauh dari rumah yana..kesian diorng tunggu lama dbwh chaya matahri yg pns terik..xper berkorban sket..ahehehe then yana sampai kwn yana yg kecik tuh nak naik ngan yana..huahuahua jadi gler ktaorng naik duer..huhuhu
lepas tuh sampai umah yana baru nk cook kat diorng kesian dah lapar dah perut tuh..ahahaha lex..yana kasi diorng makan laksa dulu then makan spaggeti diorng kata yana pnyer spagetti is the best...caiyalah..huahuahuahua..pandai gak yana mask ek hehe k leps makn kems aper kitaorng ready nk g umah yuhannes then trus g umah ummu..n leps tuh g umah sal tanpa dijangka ina nk spaggetti lagi since it's her first time eating spagetti..nasib baik ktaorng ada kawn yg anak tauke g kedai dier beli semuer brng g mask umah sal..ahak best..memng daebak ah hangout ngan diorng..gegiler semuer...khamssahamida u all for making my day always for me.. thx ya..
here have some pic untuk korng tatap

that all
